I live in the sort of area where the houses do have an attractiveness that the owners all seem to respect asnd want to keep relatively unchanged. I have lived here for over twenty years and although I always think thas very little work has been carried out on the houses around me, when I consider the last 15 years, in fact quite a lot has gone on in the background! In my own fair dwelling for example, I had the bathrooms ripped out and completely replaced by modern shiny chrome and sparkling whie porcelain – with fitted cabinets that would make a top notch hotelier green with envy. Then four years ago I updated the huge up and over front door to the garage. So fed up was I of having to battle with the old one that constantly jammed when I wanted to get the car in or out, I invested in a flash new electronic beauty with a set of fobs to open it with. Oh the joy of being able to drive near the house and press that top button on my car fob! But in keeping with my neighbours, I have not actually changed the appearance of the frontage of the property.